Christmas and Family Unity – Highschool Sermon

Sermon: HS Students, 12/20/20, Christmas and Family Unity Introduction: Thomas Kinkade [Our Highschool Pastor] has asked me to preach today, continuing his series on ‘This Christmas’. There are two points of interest: first, to give you a few thoughts about how to have a wonderful Christmas; and, second, to focus on the role of the … Continue reading Christmas and Family Unity – Highschool Sermon

Family as First Society

About a week or so ago, I had the opportunity to address a small gathering of friends and acquaintances regarding any topic of my choice. Below is a general outline for how I introduced an existential defense of the family and provided for the beginning of an engaging conversation. The original structure was in two-parts, … Continue reading Family as First Society

Transgenderism: An Incoherent Justification

This article originally appeared in Biola's Intercollegiate Studies Institute's magazine, Counterpoint. I wrote this article to provoke Christians and Secularists to consider that our impasse in transgender policy is found in our impasse in understanding the transgender position. As clarity in writing is only preceded by clarity of thought, so I believe clarity in public … Continue reading Transgenderism: An Incoherent Justification

Hermeneutic Essentials – Lesson V

Lesson V Learning to Pray through the Psalter. “It is not that every sentiment expressed by a psalmist is admirable, but that in praying the Psalms, we confront ourselves as we really are. The Psalms are a reality check to keep prayer from becoming sentimental, superficial, or detached from the real world.”― Richard H. Schmidt The … Continue reading Hermeneutic Essentials – Lesson V